Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by xzardozx »

Ashvin, are you a deep AI emulator? No offense intended. You just do a pretty good impression of one. If you are human, would you care to share some humanizing details about your own life and childhood as I did? Presumably you were a little baby at one time.
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by Federica »

xzardozx wrote: Sat Jun 10, 2023 2:04 am Sorry, I don't know how to do the "viewtopic" thing.
Sorry, the link should work now:
The Center of the Central Topic (Part I) - viewtopic.php?t=723
The reason why it is impossible to observe thinking in the actual moment of its occurrence is the very same which makes it possible for us to know it more immediately and more intimately thany any other process in the world.
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by Federica »

xzardozx wrote: Sat Jun 10, 2023 1:53 am Am I correct in assuming no one bothered to listen to Alan Watt's appearance on Coast to Coast?
I've listened to a third of it. So far it has very little to do with spiritual development. It speaks of geopolitics, indoctrination of the masses, national borders, the Rockefellers... It's someone exposing his political views with an idea that they are governed by supersensible powers. He might be right or wrong, but there's no way to discern that out of the blue, just by trying to assess how reasonable what he tells sounds. Rather than starting from listening to stories and theories that are personal elaborations of this or that person, we want to explore the other side of things, starting from our own power, perception and understanding of the world, physical and spiritual. It's another way, the only really viable way, to understand reality and the meaning of life. Not by exposing ourselves to theories and then pondering with our still unscrutinized, biased understanding how reasonable and aligned with our preferences they might be, but by slowly uncovering an objective starting point and path within us, one that can be experienced, hence understood, inwardly and directly. In this way we can build and participate in an objective, active understanding of the one shared spiritual/ideal reality on sound basis, not on personal feelings and perceptions that we are not really sure how much are influenced by subjective stuff. So again, it cannot be a matter of listening to someone telling their ideas about how society is ruled, or about anything else, and then decide on precarious means if we believe it or not. I also didn't know it was possible to do otherwise, but that's how Anthroposophy is different.
The reason why it is impossible to observe thinking in the actual moment of its occurrence is the very same which makes it possible for us to know it more immediately and more intimately thany any other process in the world.
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by AshvinP »

xzardozx wrote: Sat Jun 10, 2023 2:06 am Ashvin, are you a deep AI emulator? No offense intended. You just do a pretty good impression of one. If you are human, would you care to share some humanizing details about your own life and childhood as I did? Presumably you were a little baby at one time.

Not really. We generally try not to make things too personal here, since the spirit worlds are transpersonal and can be objectively explored and understood. In fact, we can't get beyond the threshold of the physical world until we are willing to sacrifice our merely personal opinions, beliefs, interests, concerns, memories, fears, etc., exactly as Federica indicated in her last comment. The layers of our Earthly personality should be undressed. It is not a good sign of progress if we feel inclined to only talk about ourselves and our personal experiences, about what we think about such and such and what was told to me.

I'm not saying that to attack you personally. As any person striving for the spirit should know, this tendency is alive within all of us. Especially on a spiritual path, we are likely to inflate the ego in our seeking to identify with the Absolute. It is not a question of whether this will happen, because it will happen - the result of our spiritual involution (physical evolution) is practically unending pride, cultivated from a 'survival of the fittest' - but how we react to it when it happens. The only true safeguard is worship and work, in faith and humility, i.e. in the spirit of Christ.

Yes, all these questions fall under the heading of the words of the Master: “I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not receive me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.” Why? Because for some the superman has more attraction than the Son of Man, and because he promises them a career of increasing power, whilst the Son of Man offers only a career of “foot washing”.

Dear Unknown Friend, do not interpret what I am saying in the sense that I am opposed or even hostile to the above-mentioned societies, fraternities, and movements of a spiritual and initiatory nature, nor in the sense that I am accusing them of an anti-Christian attitude. Do not attribute me with a lack of respect for the mahatmas and gurus of India. It is a matter here only of the purely psychological tendency (that I have been able to observe something of everywhere) which prefers the ideal of the superman to the ideal of the Son of Man. There is room to add, in order to do justice to the societies and fraternities mentioned, that if this tendency shows up all over the place at the core of these societies and fraternities, it is also so that it is everywhere combatted in a more or less effective way.
The victory achieved in solitude…what glory and what danger it comprises at one and the same time! It is the only real glory, for it in no way depends on human favour and judgement; it is intrinsic glory—the real radiance of the aura become luminous. It is, however, at the same time the most real and the most serious spiritual danger which exists. “Pride” and “vaingloriousness”, the traditional names which one gives to it, do not suffice to characterise it in an adequate way. It is more than this. It is, rather, a kind of mystical megalomania, where one deifies the regulating centre of one’s own being, one’s ego, and where one sees the divine only within oneself and becomes blind to the divine above and outside of oneself. The “higher Self” is then experienced as the supreme and unique Self of the world, although it is only higher in relation to the ordinary, empirical self, and it is far from the supreme and unique being…far from being God, in other words.
Now, inflation is the principal risk that attends each person who seeks the experience of depth, the experience of what is occult, which lives and works behind the facade of phenomena of ordinary consciousness. Therefore, inflation constitutes the principal danger and trial for occultists, esotericists, magicians, gnostics and mystics. Monasteries and spiritual orders have always known this, thanks to the immense pillar of experience which they have accumulated over millennia in the domain of the profound life. This is why their whole spiritual practice is based on the cultivation of humility by such means as the practice of obedience, the examination of conscience and the reciprocal brotherly help of members of the community.

Tomberg, Valentin. Meditations on the Tarot (pp. 151-152). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
"A secret law contrives,
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by xzardozx »

I didn't even mention myself once in my first few comments. The truth is your poor little egos were tweaked by the possibility that someone just might be further along the path than you are. And who might want to just want to share with you what they know. I offered you pearls of wisdom but you could only see your own ego projections.
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by Federica »

xzardozx wrote: Sat Jun 10, 2023 7:33 pm I didn't even mention myself once in my first few comments. The truth is your poor little egos were tweaked by the possibility that someone just might be further along the path than you are. And who might want to just want to share with you what they know. I offered you pearls of wisdom but you could only see your own ego projections.
xzardozx wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2023 12:25 am Whenever I feel hatred toward someone, I know projection is always involved and I need to look within. It can be very painful and difficult to really look at oneself honestly.
Are you aware of the emotional rollercoaster manifesting through your posts? You surely aren't the only one who has experienced similar soul mouvements. As you say, looking within is an important step when one realizes such feelings. Even more important is to take action in the direction of freedom from these impulses. This forum is an ideal place to help develop the strength and the tools to initiate or continue the spiritual work that progressively brings these subjective waves into clear consciousness.
The reason why it is impossible to observe thinking in the actual moment of its occurrence is the very same which makes it possible for us to know it more immediately and more intimately thany any other process in the world.
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by xzardozx »

I'm not hating, just annoyed. It's probably hard for someone who hasn't experienced it to understand that I'm not coming from ego since my ego was shattered into a thousand pieces when I was 6 due to severe emotional abuse. As I said earlier, God laid me so low they practically had to scrape me off the floor in 2016. I actually wrote all that stuff in the pure Spirit of Sharing. But no one has expressed they found any value in a single word of it. Fortunately, I understand that it's part of the "Ascension Trip", so to speak - part of the process of letting go of everything human that is external and everything internal that is not of Spiritual Value, since that's all you take with you. Sometimes it involves a metaphysical kick in the nuts (and I'm allowed to be annoyed by it).
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by AshvinP »

xzardozx wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 12:30 pm I'm not hating, just annoyed. It's probably hard for someone who hasn't experienced it to understand that I'm not coming from ego since my ego was shattered into a thousand pieces when I was 6 due to severe emotional abuse. As I said earlier, God laid me so low they practically had to scrape me off the floor in 2016. I actually wrote all that stuff in the pure Spirit of Sharing. But no one has expressed they found any value in a single word of it. Fortunately, I understand that it's part of the "Ascension Trip", so to speak - part of the process of letting go of everything human that is external and everything internal that is not of Spiritual Value, since that's all you take with you. Sometimes it involves a metaphysical kick in the nuts (and I'm allowed to be annoyed by it).


You shared this divine revelation with us:

I was told there is much less actual suffering than we are led to believe (this is not an argument against veganism). This being a virtual universe, some things that take place do not involve consciousness and there's no one "there" to suffer. There are NPCs - non-player characters - who are purely virtual, as in a video game. Their suffering is an illusion intended to affect *your* mind. There is no reason for farm animals to actually suffer, for instance, since God is not a sadist, all appearances to the contrary notwithstanding. But we are certainly supposed to *believe* that they do and to act accordingly. This being a virtual universe, farm animals are purely virtual. They have no souls to suffer.

Now if we listen to what was shared, contemplate it, and then decide to write something critical in response, rather than expressing assent, are you going to accuse us of being AI emulators or projecting our egos? This forum isn't intended to be Twitter or Facebook where people simply exchange 'likes' with each other. It's intended to be something different, something which proceeds dispassionately towards the Truth with de-personalized logical reasoning. And what was written above is the exact opposite conclusion of what would be reached on the esoteric path of intuitive thinking. Are you open to exploring that path, even if it's unfamiliar and uncomfortable, or not?
"A secret law contrives,
To give time symmetry:
There is, within our lives,
An exact mystery."
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by Cleric K »

xzardozx wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 12:30 pm I'm not hating, just annoyed. It's probably hard for someone who hasn't experienced it to understand that I'm not coming from ego since my ego was shattered into a thousand pieces when I was 6 due to severe emotional abuse. As I said earlier, God laid me so low they practically had to scrape me off the floor in 2016. I actually wrote all that stuff in the pure Spirit of Sharing. But no one has expressed they found any value in a single word of it. Fortunately, I understand that it's part of the "Ascension Trip", so to speak - part of the process of letting go of everything human that is external and everything internal that is not of Spiritual Value, since that's all you take with you. Sometimes it involves a metaphysical kick in the nuts (and I'm allowed to be annoyed by it).
Hi Zardoz,

I have few practical questions in the context of your personal path.

I don't know if it has become clear so far but here on the forum we're trying help each other with understanding and practicing the methods through which our human experience can grow into the spiritual.

In your life path the opening towards the Spirit has been introduced through much suffering. This is somewhat the norm at our evolutionary stage. Our present civilization puts us to spiritual sleep at every step so Providence has no other choice but give us a rude awakening. Like when going to the doctor, it's better to go through the pain of the healing process rather than dissolve and be lost for the evolutionary process.

Today we're at a point where we can participate in the awakening process much more consciously. This doesn't mean that we'll be spared from suffering but we can certainly save ourselves the kinds of suffering that proceed wholly from our stubbornness, stupidity and twisted desires. So our ideal shouldn't be to avoid suffering but pray to go through the valuable suffering, like labor pains is valuable suffering for the mother. The new culture can't come about without labor pains but through enlightenment we can surely reduce the pain that comes entirely from stupidity and lack of insight into the living flow of reality.

Now from what you have described you have reached the stage of spiritual communion with God through being smashed into the ground and then being scraped off by Divine Grace. Since we're talking about practical spirituality, if you have to take the role of an instructor and help someone else walk the path towards living communion with the Divine, how would you go about it? I believe you won't say that one must necessarily go through child abuse and other kinds of traumatic experiences?

So the first question is: what is you view about the process of Initiation? Obviously I'm not speaking about Initiation by means of Karma alone, where we're unwillingly and violently awakened by Providence but for a process that modern man can undertake in full consciousness. In other words, what would be your advice, if I tell you that I want to work selflessly and seriously in such a way that I also undertake my human duty and hear God's Voice, such that I can make my life continuation of the Divine plan? (this question assumes that I have already consciously decided to sacrifice my egoic life for a higher purpose)

My second question is more 'technical'. Can you describe in more detail the actual experience of communion with God? For example, is the Voice experienced as an actual auditory experience? Does it have a specific timbre which you can recognize among other voices? Or the Voice speaks through your own inner voice, as if God Inspires your own voice?
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by xzardozx »

To illustrate memetically - https://ibb.co/109LfRN
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